Citywide Pedestrian Plan

Taking Steps Cover

The Citywide Pedestrian Plan, funded by a Caltrans Active Transportation Program (ATP) grant, will consolidate existing pedestrian policies, recommend new policies, identify viable pedestrian corridors, assess intersections with high pedestrian/bicycle accident rates, and recommend improvements and programs through an action plan. The Plan will incorporate NACTO design standards, Complete Streets multimodal access concepts, Metro First-Last Mile Strategic Plan methodologies, and Vision Zero goals. It will establish pedestrian safety as the City of Glendale’s highest priority through a multifaceted approach in policy development and proactive community outreach and will allow the City of Glendale to pursue funding for infrastructure improvements from regional, state, and federal grant opportunities.

The resulting project will include an implementation manual outlining conceptual design improvements, including their associated engineering costs, to be made on streets with high pedestrian and bicycle accident rates, ultimately increasing walking as a mode of transportation in Glendale while reducing accident rates in the City. Development of a Citywide Pedestrian Plan is crucial for Glendale, as the City’s pedestrian collisions are notably high for the region and statewide, and Glendale’s low- and fixed-income citizens, including the elderly, are disproportionately represented in these collisions.

The Plan was created with extensive public participation between 2015 and 2017, and adopted in 2021. The project team was led by Nelson/Nygaard, with Fehr & Peers, Here.LA, Deborah Murphy Urban Design & Planning, KWS Consulting and kpff as subconsultants.

As Deputy Director for Urban Design & Mobility at the City of Glendale, Alan Loomis was the Team Leader for the Pedestrian Master Plan, through completion of the “Taking Stock” needs assessment..


2023 APA/California Transportation Planning Award of Excellence

2023 APA/Los Angeles Transportation Planning Award of Excellence

3 responses to “Citywide Pedestrian Plan

  1. Pingback: Plans Come Together: Looking Back on 2015 | Delirious LA·

  2. Pingback: Be Street Smart Glendale | Delirious LA·

  3. Pingback: 2016 in Review | Delirious LA·

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